7th Grade Science LTLT’s
Quarter 1:
Quarter 2: 10/20/14-12/18/14
Quarter 3: 1/5/15-3/20/15
Quarter 4: 3/23/15-5/28/15
Quarter 1: Unit
1: Physical Change (23 days) 8/25/14-9/25/14
LTLT#1 I can identify properties of substances in a mixture
that can be used to separate those substances from each other.
Quarter 1 &
Quarter 2 Unit 2: Geology
Affects Life on Earth (28 days) 9/26/14-11/5/14
LTLT#2 I can interpret and analyze data using the fossil
record to support a claim that organisms and environment have changed and or
evolved over time.
Quarter 2: Unit 3:
Adaptations of Organisms (26 days) 11/6/14-12/18/14
LTLT#3 I can develop, communicate, and justify an evidence
based explanation for why a given organisms with specific traits will or will
not survive to have offspring in a given environment.
Quarter 3: Unit 4: The Cell
(23 days) 1/6/14-2/6/14
LTLT#4 I can develop, communicate and justify an evidence
based explanation regarding cell structure, components and their specific
Quarter 3 &
Quarter 4 Unit 5: Body
Systems (23 days) 2/9/14-4/3/14
LTLT#5 I can gather, analyze and interpret data and models
on the cells, systems and functions of the organs and tissues that work
together to perform specific functions and interactions of the human body.
Quarter 4 Unit 6:
Producers & Consumers (33 days) 4/6/14-5/28/14
LTLT#6 I can use evidence to describe and interpret data to
describe the relationships between photosynthesis and cellular respiration
within and between plants and animals.
Quarter 1, 2, 3 &
4 PEAK Performance
LTLT#7 I can practice PEAK performance to become a scientist
-I can persevere in using the scientific circle of
logic to solve problems
-I can show excellence in the craftsmanship of my
work and creation of products.
-I can be held accountable to follow expectation and
meet deadlines
-I can show kindness to my classmates as we
collaborate as scientists.
Quarter 1, 2, 3 &
4 Science
LTLT#8 I can read and write like a scientist to communicate
my knowledge and ideas with others.
-I can analyze key ideas and details in a text to complete
an experiment and communicate my results with fidelity.
-I can analyze vocabulary, structure, and author’s purpose
to build my understanding of a topic.
-I can read multiple texts to determine researched base
facts from opinion.
-I can communicate my evidence based scientific findings and
understandings using words and images.
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