Monday, February 2, 2015

Final LTLT#4 Science Project

Due Friday February 6, 2015

LTLT#4: I can explain cell structures, components, and their specific functions.

Name: _____________________ Date: _________________ Class Period: _____________________

Cell Story Book/Comic Strip—LTLT4 Product

ZAP! You have been shrunk down to the size of a ribosome in a cell. You are a scientist or a student about to go on an adventure inside the cell. After you have finished your adventure you are going to write a children’s storybook or comic strip about it.

For this project you are going to use your imagination to write a story about YOU, the scientist/explorer, and your journey into the cell. You must include:

o   Scientific facts in a way a young reader could understand
o   At least 5 parts of the cell, you can do more
o   Include their functions (what they do)
o   Color pictures.
o   The story needs to be at least 5 pages long.

You will be passing in your rough draft along with the final copy. Have fun, be creative, and use your imagination. 

This is your final product for LTLT4 and is due FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th!

The story needs to be at least 5 pages long. (You can certainly do more) If you do a comic strip it needs to be at least 16 comic windows long. Have fun, be creative, and use your imagination.  Below are all the requirements in a rubric:

THIS? Check it
·       Story is creative and fun to read
·       Story is neat, and show excellence and craftsmanship

·       Story contains at least 5 pages/comic strip contains 16 comic windows
·       Story/comic strip contains a cover page with a title and picture
·       Each page of the story/window of the comic strip includes a picture in COLOR
·       At least 5 parts of the cell are included and their function is described correctly and scientifically
·       Spelling and grammar are mostly correct throughout the story or comic strip
·       Student describes whether they are inside a plant or animal cell
·       Student describes whether the cell is a prokaryote or eukaryote

·       Missing one to two of the above requirements

·       Missing two to there of the above requirements

·       Missing more than three of the above requirements

LTLT#4 Cell Project Plan and Outline
*Fill this out, and have it approved by Ms. Mac BEFORE you start on your project.
*Include this sheet WITH your final project.

For my Project I will do: _______________________ (cell story, or cell comic)

My Project is due: _____________________

Story Summary: (Required for BOTH comic strip & story book)

Cover: Draft/Plan

Page 1:Draft/Plan
*Suggestion: introduce your character, the theme, and plot of your story.
Page 2: Draft/Plan
Page 3: Draft/Plan

Page 4: Draft/Plan
Page 5: Draft/Plan

Conference with Ms. Mac for approval before starting…

Student Signature: ________________________________

Ms. Mac Signature: ________________________________                  Date: ___________________

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