Sunday, April 26, 2015

Monday April 27, 2015
LT: I can build background knowledge of LTLT#6

Peach Puzzler
A peach tree produces fruit that human and animals eat for food. Read statements A, B and C below and think about how a peach tree gets its food.

A: A peach tree takes in its water and food through its roots
B: A peach tree's food is made in its fruit.
C: A peach tree gets its food from its leaves.

1. Pick one statement you think is incorrect. Explain why you think it is incorrect. Write at least 3-5 full and complete sentences.
I choose statement ______.
I think this is incorrect because: _____________________________________________________

2. Rewrite your statement so that it is correct.
Write at least 3-5 full and complete sentences.

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