Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Science Safety Contracts:
Due Monday August 25, 2014

Write a science safety contract. It can be modeled, but not copied after another contract (see Ms. Mac for examples), or it can be of your own creation. You will need to leave a section blank for both you and your parent or guardian to sign.

*Includes 12-15 lab safety rules (You can write more)
*Contract is signed by BOTH you and your parent or guardian
*Contract is neatly handwritten or typed onto another piece of paper 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

7th Grade Science Units and Learning Targets

7th Grade Science LTLT’s

Quarter 1: 8/25/14-10/17/14                    
Quarter 2: 10/20/14-12/18/14
Quarter 3: 1/5/15-3/20/15
Quarter 4: 3/23/15-5/28/15

Quarter 1:                             Unit 1: Physical Change (23 days) 8/25/14-9/25/14
LTLT#1 I can identify properties of substances in a mixture that can be used to separate those substances from each other.

Quarter 1 & Quarter 2        Unit 2: Geology Affects Life on Earth (28 days) 9/26/14-11/5/14
LTLT#2 I can interpret and analyze data using the fossil record to support a claim that organisms and environment have changed and or evolved over time.

Quarter 2:                             Unit 3: Adaptations of Organisms (26 days) 11/6/14-12/18/14
LTLT#3 I can develop, communicate, and justify an evidence based explanation for why a given organisms with specific traits will or will not survive to have offspring in a given environment.

Quarter 3:                             Unit 4: The Cell (23 days) 1/6/14-2/6/14
LTLT#4 I can develop, communicate and justify an evidence based explanation regarding cell structure, components and their specific functions.

Quarter 3 & Quarter 4        Unit 5: Body Systems (23 days) 2/9/14-4/3/14
LTLT#5 I can gather, analyze and interpret data and models on the cells, systems and functions of the organs and tissues that work together to perform specific functions and interactions of the human body.

Quarter 4                              Unit 6: Producers & Consumers (33 days) 4/6/14-5/28/14
LTLT#6 I can use evidence to describe and interpret data to describe the relationships between photosynthesis and cellular respiration within and between plants and animals.

Quarter 1, 2, 3 & 4              PEAK Performance
LTLT#7 I can practice PEAK performance to become a scientist
-I can persevere in using the scientific circle of logic to solve problems
-I can show excellence in the craftsmanship of my work and creation of products.
-I can be held accountable to follow expectation and meet deadlines
-I can show kindness to my classmates as we collaborate as scientists.

Quarter 1, 2, 3 & 4              Science Literacy
LTLT#8 I can read and write like a scientist to communicate my knowledge and ideas with others.
-I can analyze key ideas and details in a text to complete an experiment and communicate my results with fidelity.
-I can analyze vocabulary, structure, and author’s purpose to build my understanding of a topic.
-I can read multiple texts to determine researched base facts from opinion.
-I can communicate my evidence based scientific findings and understandings using words and images.

7th Grade Science Expectations & Procedures

Welcome to 7th Grade Science!!
Expectations and Procedures

 Ms. Katie McClanahan…aka Miss Mac
Science Blog, Class Information & Assignments: http://MacHPS7thscience.blogspot.com

Welcome to 7th grade science!

This year is all about you, and I have many exciting things in store for you, and a few surprises as well.

This year we’ll be investigating the cause and effect of oil spills, researching extinct animals and studying their remains, exploring mountain geology, undergoing a death and destruction unit, studying cells and dissecting organisms, exploring injuries and diseases, and discovering the connection between producers and consumers. I can’t wait for this year, and as many of you have asked….yes, there will be explosions. J

We will mix, experiment, and discover, and along the way you will inquire, explore, invent and play. You will be encouraged to experiment, make mistakes, and try new things. Expect to be shocked, awed and perhaps even a little grossed out.  J


UNIT 1: Physical Change
UNIT 2: Geology Affects Life on Earth
UNIT 3: Adaptations of Organisms
UNIT 4: The Cell
UNIT 5: Body Systems
UNIT 6: Producers and Consumers

Through these units you will be learning and practicing fundamental science and research skills, reading, and writing. This class will also encourage you to think critically, problem-solve, and use creativity to explore science-related issues. You will be asked to do this independently and collaboratively with your peers through labs, projects, field work, and expeditions.

In order to do all these cool things, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to arrive on time and be prepared. I will not tolerate any messing around. You do not have the right to disrupt the learning of other students. It is expected that you listen, participate, and use common sense. I expect you to respect yourself, others and the lab. Mostly, I expect you to use caution and safety.

Science Notebooks:
Science Notebooks are where we’ll keep track of all of our work, with the exception of tests, homework, and other assessments. We will set these up together in class. It is your responsibility to bring this to class every day.

There are 2 trays for your class, an IN and OUT. The IN tray is for you to turn any work in to me, and the OUT tray is for any work I have for you.  

Students must keep track of the days they miss and make up the work in a timely manner.   Students can check with a friend, the 7th grade science blog, http://MacHPS7thscience.blogspot.com, and collect any assignments from the weekly hanging Work Folders.

Missed Work
If you miss a day of school, check the hanging work folders, and take any sheets or instructions from the day you missed. Ask me if you have any questions about the assignments. When completed, turn it into the IN tray. Make sure your NAME and DATE are written clearly on the assignment. Please write ABSENT on the day you missed, so as to avoid a late grade.

Missed labs must be made up!  These can be made up during recess or after school. See me to schedule a time. Any friend who comes in help you with the lab will get extra credit. J

Late Work
Late Work is accepted for up to 5 days late.

Bring your timetracker to class every day to keep track of your assignments. You will be given homework assignments approximately 2-3 days a week. This may include assignments started in class that need to be finished, and long-term assignments.

This is absolutely not tolerated in this classroom under any circumstances and disciplinary action will be taken if it occurs. All of your peers should be treated with respect at all times. If you see bullying occur please let Ms. Mac know.

Please ask to use the bathroom during work time, and you MUST have a pass written in your timetracker.  

Power School/Grading:
Power School can be found at https://ps.eagleschools.net to view all grades for 7th Grade Science. You should have a login, but if you are unsure of what this is you can contact the main office. Your login should be stored in your HPS timetracker.

Teacher comments in Power School are available when you see a number in blue on the screen. Click on the blue number to see the comment.

Keep in mind that a “55” in the grade book does NOT represent a failing grade, but an area of high concern. It represents a beginning. PEAK grades are also recorded and can be viewed in power school as well. For example; an exemplary assignment turned in 2 weeks late would receive a 95 for the learning target grade, and a 65 for PEAK.
Exceeds Target
Meets Target
Does not meet the target, but is close
Does not meet the target, but is making progress
Does not meet the target

Science Toolkit
In addition to your school supplies, you will each have access to a toolkit at your lab table. These supplies will have to last you for the entire year, and you have to share it with the other class periods. Please act responsibly with the materials and return them once you are finished.

Each lab table will also have a cleaning kit. It is the responsibility of each table to make sure that the lab table is clean. If necessary, it will have to be swept, and or scrubbed.

Weekly Responsibility Cards & Sheet
When you enter class in the morning, you will see a basket with your table number on it. You will pick a responsibility card from this basket and this will be your job for the class period. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for this task being completed. You will initial your job on your weekly responsibility sheet. These sheets will be turned in every Friday. You’ll receive a weekly PEAK grade for this. At the end of class, you will turn your card back into the basket.

It is YOUR responsibility to be on time. The 7th grade policy is that
*3-4 tardy = loss of recess time & call home
*5 tardies = referral

The First 5 minutes…entering class
1.     Come to class on time
2.     Pick up any handouts/warms on the desk outside the room.
3.     Take out materials (science notebook, pencil)
4.     Hand in homework
5.     Read agenda
6.     Begin warm-up

Exit Procedures
  1. THE BELL DOES NOT DISMISS YOU!!! Continue working until Ms. Mac instructs you to do otherwise.
  2. When instructed to, put away any classroom materials you are using so that they are exactly the way you found them.
  3. Gather all of the materials you need to do your homework and put them in your binder.
  4. Write down any assignments you need to complete in your time tracker.
  5. Leave the room only once Ms. Mac has instructed you to do so.

Lab Equipment
We will be doing many labs this year in 7th Grade Science. You may only touch lab equipment once all instructions have been given. Each lab group will be responsible for the lab materials at their table. The eye wash station should never be handled. We’ll go over other lab safety issues in addition to these.

Promethean Board
We have the good fortune this year of having access to a Promethean Board in our classroom!!! Please do not write on or touch this unless instructed by Ms Mac. We will be using this interactive white board later on in the year, and everyone will have the chance to use it.

Friday August 15, 2014
Ice Cream Social @ HPS from 3-5pm