Thursday, January 8, 2015

Friday January 9, 2015

Microscope Challenge

Name: ___________ Date: ________ Class Period: ________

LT: I can explain how to use a microscope.


Date: January 9, 2015
Division: Conterfeiting Investigative Division
Department: U.S. Treasury
Attention: Conterfeit Operations Task Force Applicants

Congratulations! You have been been specially slected by the HPS Secret Service for a high security mission. Before you are assigned, however, you must pass a simple test involving sophisticated equipment and diagnostics. If you pass this test, then you may continue on to the mission.

Challenge 1: Figure out how to use this gadget!!!!
1.   Identify ALL the significant moving parts. (HINT-there are 5 major ones) Use the cheat sheet to help you if you get stuck.
2.   Draw a neatly labeled diagram of this gadget in your science journals.
3.   Show Ms Mac

Challenge 2: Counterfeit Investigation
Interpol has just obtained dollar bills from a secret informant investigating a counterfeiting money ring. You need to use your new gadget to diagnose (figure out) whether the bill is REAL or FAKE.

1.   Get an envelope from Ms. Mac.
2.   Examine the bills under the gadget
3.   Determine if the bills are REAL or COUNTERFEIT!!!
4.   Document EACH bill’s characteristics in your journal. Be as complete as possible.
5.   If you complete the lower denomination bills, you may graduate to higher bills, with their more complicated features.
6.   Return the envelope to Ms. Mac

We know you just covered microscopes in your initial training and had to pass challenge 1 in order to move on to challenge 2. However, they may still be new to you. Remember, that if an image appears “fuzzy” adjust the focus. Feel free to adjust the knobs until the image becomes clear.

The following information many help you. Good LUCK!!!!

*Regions - Focus on the regions circled in the pictures below. These regions contain features, not recognizable with the naked eye, that allow experts to judge whether bills are counterfeit or real.

*Microprinting - A genuine five dollar bill has the word FIVE printed along the borders in very small type. In fake bills, this type is often blurred and illegible.

*Watermark - A genuine bill reveals a second picture of President Lincoln when lit from behind. This hidden picture is difficult to reproduce in a fake banknote.

*Paper - Genuine bills has tiny red and blue fibers embedded throughout. Often, counterfeiters try to simulate these fibers by printing tiny red and blue lines on their paper. Close inspection reveals, however, that on the counterfeit note, the lines are printed on the surface, not embedded in the paper.

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