Sunday, April 19, 2015

Monday April 20, 2015

LTLT#6 Assignments

1.Food Web Map with Explanation
Due Friday 4.25.15 Assigned in class on Tuesday 4.8.14

Take a set of our producer, consumer and predator cards. 

Create a tropic pyramid using the organisms found in this system.

Create this on a separate piece of paper. You can paste the cards onto your paper.

Use arrows, lines, etc to connect the cards.

Write explanations between each connection. 

 **If a connection goes 2 ways, then clearly label this with a double arrow. Then explain BOTH connections.

HINT: Tropic Level= the position an organism has on the food chain. There can be multiple organisms on each tropic level

*Creates a tropic pyramid using all the cards.

*Contains all the levels

*Show multiple forms of energy flow

*Has multiple individual animals at each level
*Creates a tropic pyramid using all the cards.

*Contains all levels.

*Does not have more than one organism at each level.

*Creates a tropic pyramid that shows energy flow, but does not have all levels.
*Creates a tropic pyramid but is missing more than one level.


*Create the pyramid in an incorrect order.
*Does not create a tropic pyramid, and shows little understanding of the animals that fall in each category.

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