Tuesday, September 30, 2014

LTLT#1 Final Lab Report Rubric

c Hooks readers interest

c  Stated in detail.
c  Demonstrates knowledge of separation techniques & mixtures
c  Includes bubble diagram & written lab procedure
c  Lists materials used in detail, how many and much of each.
Ex: I used 12 coffee filters
c  Describes what was observed during the final separation lab
c  Describes any surprises or insights

c  Describe what was learned during the LTLT#1 Unit
c  Includes examples and/or connections that enhance the readers understanding of the main concepts
c Relates to the Big Idea of mixtures & oil spills
c Uses your own words

c  States all  background knowledge related to the topic.
c  Sites the source (science notebook or other)
c  Summary of procedures
c  Procedures & plans are clear and organized

c Accurate
c Contains all materials

c  Accurately describes what occurred during the final separation lab
c  Gave evidences from the experiment that supports each observation

c  Clearly communicates each separation technique, and how it could be used to separate a mixture or clean up an oil spill

Developing/ Accomplished

c Relates to the Big Idea of oil spills
c Does not Use your own words
c  States limited   background knowledge related to the topic.
c  Sites the source
c  Summary of procedures
c  Procedures & plans are not clear and organized

c  Not Accurate
c  Missing some details-numbers, and amounts

c  Describes the experiment.
c  Gives evidence from the lab that does not strongly supports each statement OR
c  Statement is not related
c  Communicates each separation technique, and how it could be used to clean up an oil spill


c Relationship to mixtures and oil spills is unclear
c Does not Use your own words
c  States limited   background knowledge
c  Does not Site the source
c  Missing one of the above of the above criteria
c  Procedures and plans don’t make sense or are incomplete
c  Missing one of the above of the above criteria
c  Materials are incorrect or missing
c  Makes a statement about the lab
c  Gives evidence from the experiment that does not support the statement AND
c  Statement is not related to mixtures or separation techniques.
c  Off topic
c  Supporting evidence is weak


c No Relationship to mixtures and to oil spills

c  Incorrect   background knowledge
c  Does not Site the source
c  Missing multiple of the above criteria

c  Missing multiple of the above criteria

c  Makes a statement about the lab
c  No evidence
c  Statement is not related
c  Off topic
c  No supporting evidence

No Evidence
No Evidence
No Evidence
No Evidence
No Evidence
No Evidence

Background Knowledge
Procedure & Plan
Communicate Results

Over All Level of Achievement:  Exemplary – Accomplished – Developing/Accomplished – Developing - Beginning
Final LTLT#1 Final Lab Report

Instructions: Write your final lab report, based on your work for LTLT#1 during the past several weeks. Use your notes, procedures and bubble methods, your knowledge and your own brains.

This is a template for your final report. It includes all the parts that you need to include. You can use this to either:
                  *Guide you as you write your own report on a chrome book
                  *Guide you as you write your own report on paper-handwritten (must be neat and legible)
                  *Write your report directly onto this template-handwritten (must be neat and legible)

Title: What is your mixture report about?

Your Name:

Group Member Names:

Purpose: Summarize in at least 5-7 sentences: What did you about during our LTLT#1 unit?? What did you do during our LTLT#1 unit??

 Background Knowledge: What do you know about mixtures? What do you know about separation techniques? What are separation techniques? Describe the separation techniques you used in your final mixture separation.

Procedure & Plan:

Part 1: Bubble Method: In order to help you organize your thoughts for your final separation lab, create a Bubble Method Diagram that lists all eight ingredients you will have to separate, and lists what techniques you will use to separate each ingredient. (Attach to this report if completed)

Part 2: Written Lab Procedure: What is your plan? Using your bubble method diagram, write out your final lab procedure/plan, and describe each step. (Attach to this report if completed)

Part 3: Additions. Now that you’ve completed your lab, did you run into any surprises as you worked on your final lab? Did everything work according to your plan? What worked? What did not?  

Materials: List out the materials you used for your final lab separation. What did you use? How many? How much?

Results/Observations: As you completed your lab, what did you see? What did you observe? Were there any surprises?

Communication of Results: After spending the last several weeks on LTLT#1; studying mixtures, physical characteristics and properties, what did you learn? What are a few new things that you did not know before? What separation techniques worked the best? What separation techniques did not work? Did it help to create a bubble method diagram and procedure plan before your final separation?

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday September 29, 2014-Wednesday October 1, 2014

Final Mixture Separation!!!

LTLT: I can identify properties of substances in a mixture to determine how the mixtures will be separated.

LT: I can use my lab procedure to separate my final mixture.

Criteria for Success:
*I can analyze my lab procedure with a partner
*I can take notes on my lab procedure as I separate my mixture

Warm UP
Share, Compare & Focus
Mixture Separation lab

Warm UP:
1.Take out your;
   *Bubble method diagrams and  written lab procedures.

2. Put your name on both.

3. Read through them. Does your procedure make sense to you? Can you follow it through?

Review LTLT, LT & CS

Share, Compare & Focus           
with a partner…this is the partner you'll be working with for the next 2 days

Mixture Separation Lab           
 Use your agreed upon procedure and separate your mixture!!

*As you work through your mixture separation, take note of anything that does not seem to be working, or anything that is different from your original procedure/plan. 
Q: How’d the separation go?

Q: Were you surprised by anything?

Our LTLT is: I can identify properties of substances in a mixture to determine how the mixtures will be separated.

How did this lab help you meet the LTLT?