Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday September 24, 2014 & Thursday September 25, 2014

LTLT: I can identify properties of substances in a mixture to determine how the 
mixtures will be separated.

LT: I can explain the purpose and point of lab procedures.
Criteria for Success:
*I can analyze lab procedures using examples
* I can write a lab procedure on how to separate a mixture

Warm Up
Lab Procedure
Procedure Discussion
Bubble Method
Write Procedures

Warm UP:
Q: If you were to design a lab for another student, what are some things you should include??

Review LTLT, LT & CS

Q: What are the parts of a lab report?

Q: What is the purpose of a lab report?
-Communication of information

Lab Procedure                                

**Set up your notebook to look like mine:
Look Like

***Hand out examples of lab procedures

With a partner, analyze the examples, and answer the following questions ….. hint, think about our honey 
and jelly sandwiches

Q: What is a lab procedure?          
 *A list of detailed instructions on how to complete the lab. Also known as practices and procedures. 
It is a set of guidelines on what to do.                 

Q: What’s the purpose of a lab procedure??                                  
 *So that others can copy what you did to repeat it.

Q: What should the procedure look like?                                    
A numbered list of step by step instructions, and anyone can follow. Detailed. It is neat, organized, 
complete sentences…

After you write down your notes in your journal, sot down your answers on a sticky note, and stick it to the poster paper on the board…

Procedure Discussion:        
 Review the answers to the questions about procedures..
Students add to their notes in their journals.

The Bubble Method
*Show on power point
*Map this out on the board…

Write Procedures:
*Hand out procedure instructions & templates

You will now write your own procedures for separating your mixtures. You know what  ingredients are going to be in your mixture, you know what the separation techniques are….using your notes you’re your thinking lab from yesterday, write your OWN procedure.

Emphasize the need for step by step instructions

 What is the purpose and point of lab procedure?

What are your next steps?

LT: I can explain the purpose and point of lab procedures.

Design A Procedure

The procedure part of a lab report tells exactly what you did/are going to do. Be specific.
The procedure you use affects the results. So, it is important to be accurate in explaining what
you did. The procedure is written in paragraph form.

Instructions: Now you are going to take all the information you have gathered from our time in
the lab and design a detailed procedure to separate a mixture. *Think about our honey and jelly sandwiches.

Your mixture contains:
·      Wood shavings
·      Water
·      Rubbing alcohol
·      Sand
·      Salt
·      Iron filings.

You will need to plan out each step of your lab procedure. Start by making a rough draft, and use
the bubble method to help your plan. You will need to be able to explain each step in your
procedure and tell me how you know it will work.

In your procedure, include your materials, separation techniques, and step by step instructions.

Use this space to begin the rough draft of your procedure:

Design a Procedure:


Explain in words how you know each step of your procedure will work.








Q: What should a lab procedure include?                                ALL materials, and techniques

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