Monday, March 23, 2015

Tuesday March 24, 2015

Learning Target: I can describe the function and importance of the heart.

Name ______________________________________Date _______________________ Class Period: _______________

Heart Stations


Guiding Questions: Can you work as hard and fast as your heart?

Every minute your heart beats about 80 times. With each beat, it pumps about 60 milliliters of blood. This is about 4800 mL of blood every minute, or about 2400 mL of blood every 30 seconds.

For this lab we will use water to represent blood.

1. Fill one bin with about 2400mL of water. This is as much blood as your heart pumps in 30 seconds.

2.Find a beaker that holds about 60 milliliters of water.

3. Using the stopwatch, set the timer for 30 seconds.

4. In 30 seconds, try to T\transfer water as quickly as possible into the empty container without spilling any.

*Were you able to transfer (pump) all of the water (blood)? ____________________________

*Why was this difficult? _____________________________________________________________________


*Why do you think your heart can do this so easily? _____________________________________



Guiding Question: What do the different parts of the heart do?

Using the reading at the station fill in the table below with the names of the four parts of the heart and the function that they serve:


The heart is a hollow muscle about the size of your fist.  The heart has four chambers.  There are two chambers on the left side and two chambers on the right side.  Each chamber has a specific job to do.  Review the heart below.
Carbon dioxide rich blood is shown in blue and oxygen rich blood is shown in red.  The upper right chamber or Right Atrium receives blood from the veins through the Vena Cava.  Blood from the veins contains little oxygen and is carbon dioxide rich. The blood next travels to the lower right chamber or Right Ventricle, which pumps the blood to the lungs.
The lungs remove the carbon dioxide and replenish the blood with oxygen.  The blood returns to the heart in the upper left chamber or Left Atrium.  The blood then travels to the lower left chamber or Left Ventricle, which pumps the blood through the Aorta to all the parts of the body.


Guiding Question: What does the heart look like?

Color in the diagram of your heart, correctly labeling and coloring the parts just like the example given.


Guiding Question: How does activity affect heart rate?

1.     Sitting down in your chair and not talking, relax quietly for 1 minute. Place your index and middle finger on the inside of your neck (ask Ms. Mac to show you where).

2.     Have your partner(s) time 30 seconds on the clock.

3.     Count how many heartbeats you have in that time. Multiply by 2 to get your heartbeats per minute and record below.

4.     Now, stand up and do 20 fast lunges in place and 20 fast squats in place. Repeat steps 1 through 3 and record below.

Heartbeats per Minute



*What did you notice in your data?

*Why does your body need to beat faster when you are excising?

What important gas does your heart need to get to the rest of your body?

*When you are breathing out, what gas is your lungs getting rid of as waste?

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