Thursday, November 6, 2014

Friday November 7, 2014

LTLT:  I can develop, communicate, and justify an evidence-based explanation for the evolution of organisms and environments by analyzing and interpreting data from the fossil record.
LT: I can explain what adaptation means

Criteria for Success:
I can create a working definition of adaptation.     
I can discuss the effects of change in the environment.

1.      Warm up    
2.       Adaptations definitions (hand out)
3.      Study Jams-mini quiz
4.      Category Cards
5.      Scenarios
6.      Animals-compare & Contrast
7.      Debrief
8.      Exit Ticket  

Warm up:
What animals did you compare and contrast from yesterday?

What were some of there adaptations? (things that changed about them)

Can you think of any other adaptations? 

*Whales loosing their hind legs
*A chameleon’s ability to change colors
*Cacti growing long roots to gather water in the desert
*Germs becoming resistant to vaccines
What do you think adaptation means?? 
*Hand out my adaptation definition

*have them take notes on:
the BIG FOUR: (the main reasons why animals change)

Study Jams
*Mini Quiz (graded)

Category Cards
We are going to be working on changing organisms scenarios….

*You will each create a few examples for each category.

Category A: Organism
Definition of organism: an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
     Animal-Dogfish Shark
     Human-Ms. Mac, Ms. T
     Virus-the common cold

Category B: Situation
    Ice Age
    Heat Wave
    Nuclear bomb

Category C: A change that might occur
    Growing extra arms
    Developing multiple eyeballs
    Shrinking size
    Sprouting antenna

*Put it in the appropriate bin when completed.

*With your table, come up with a table definition of adaptation and write it on the whiteboard

1. select a card from each category bin.
2. Use your notecatchers…to create changes scenarios, either individually, or in pairs.

Create at least 3, you can do more if you’d like.

Animals Compare & Contrast
X3 (Graded) 

Come back to your original definition of adaptation…is there anything you want to add onto it??

Has it changed?

Why do organisms change in relation to their environments?

**They want to survive! They’ll do what they need to do, they’ll change in whatever way they can in order to live! This is adaptation! 

Adaptations are changes that ENSURE survival!

Exit Ticket
Write down your definition/explanation of what adaptation is.
Give some examples of adaptations.

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