Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thursday November 13, 2014

LTLT#3:  I can develop, communicate, and justify an evidence-based explanation for the evolution of organisms and environments by analyzing and interpreting data from the fossil record.
LT: I can describe how limiting factors affect population density.

Criteria for Success:
I can identify specific examples of limiting factors
I can apply my knowledge to the Pine Beetle Epidemic

Warm Up
Quick Notes
Limiting Factors Practice
Debrief: the Pine Beetle Epidemic

  Warm up:
Animal Adaptions slips
*What is the animal?
*What is the animal’s adaptation?
*What is the animal’s environment?
*How does this adaption (change) help the organism survive in its environment?

Share outs

These adaptions are sometimes forced in relation to the environment. There are many things that cause these adaptions, and something’s change the number of animals in an area.
We talked yesterday about populations and ecosystems, today we’re going to talk about the things that affect populations in ecosystems.

Quick Notes


Limiting factors Practice
*Regular practice sheets (x2)
*Differentiated practice sheets (x2) 

Based on what you have learned about the mountain pine beetle so far, what might be some limiting factors that affect its population density?

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