Monday, October 20, 2014

Tuesday October 21, 2014 & Wednesday October 22, 2014

LTLT:  I can identify and analyze data to describe how major geologic events have changed organisms over time.

LT: I can explain how plate movement shapes the surface of the earth. 

Criteria for Success:
I can describe the theory of plate tectonics
I can describe the 3 main types of plate boundaries

Warm Up
Table Talks
Powerpoint BBK & Notes
Info. Scavenger Hunt
Edible Lab
Exit Ticket

Warm UP:
Describe what happens to the Earth during natural diasters.
ex: Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis

Table Talks: 3-2-1
Turn to your shoulder partner...

3- Write down 3 things that you had in common
2- Write down 2 things you had that were different
1- Write down 1 thing that you have questions about

Geology Kitchen #9

Power Point & Notes
The lithosphere is broken into separate sections called _________________________.

The __________________________________________________________________ is a theory that
the Earth’s lithosphere is in constant, slow motion caused by ____________________________________________________________.

The Continental Drift Theory
In 1910 a young German scientist named Alfred Wegener wondered about
His hypothesis that the continents had once been joined together, into one large
“supercontinent” called ______________________ was titled: The _______________________

Evidence to Support the Theory
-Continents look like they could be part of a giant ___________________________

-Plant and animal fossils found in places coastlines now separated by _________________

-Tropical plant remains found in Antarctica

The places where plates meet are called ________________________________________
or _____________________________________. 

There are 3 types of plate boundaries:
1. ________________________________________
2. _______________________________________

Scavenger Hunt:
Using the articles at your tables, and pages 44-46 in the Inside Earth books, in your science journals...
1. Draw a diagram of each type of plate boundary
2. Write a description of each type of plate boundary.

Wednesday October 22, 2014
Warm UP:
What are the types of plate boundaries?

Edible Lab:
Work with 1 other person to complete the lab. Put the notes into your science journals.

Edible Tectonics

Plate Tectonics is one of the central theories of earth science. It explains why
earthquakes and volcanoes happen, where they occur and why mountain ranges, ocean
trenches, and faults have formed.

The lithosphere (the crust and solid upper part of the mantle) is not one solid mass, but is
broken into small sections called tectonic plates. Some of these plates are large and others are
smaller. Although the plates touch, they’re not connected. Each plate floats independently on the
asthenosphere (the part of the mantle that acts like a liquid).

The location where two plates floating side by side is called a boundary. Plates will interact with
each other at this boundary. If the plates are running into each other the boundary is called a
convergent boundary. If the plates are moving away from each other, the boundary is a divergent boundary. If one plate is sliding past the other plate, the boundary is called a transform boundary.


1.     In your notebooks, label the parts of the candy bar to correspond to the layers of the Earth.
Use the Inside Earth book to help you, pages 22-23.

2.      Use your fingernails to make small cracks in the surface of your “Earth,” or candy bar.

Q: What do we call the cracks in Earth’s surface? ___________________________________________

Q: What do we call the large pieces of Earth’s crust? _______________________________________

3.     Tension is a force that pulls on the plates of Earth’s crust, causing them to move apart.
**SLOWLY pull the ends of your candy bar.

Q: What happened? List two things that you observed. ______________________________________

4.     Compression is a force that pushes on the plates of Earths’ crust causing them to move
**SLOWLY push on the ends of your candy bar

Q: What happened? List two things that you observed. _______________________________________

5.     Shearing is a force that pushes on the plates of Earth’s curst causing one to move in one
direction and the other plate in the opposite direction.
**SLOWLY push one way on one end of your candy bar, and push the opposite
direction on the other end.

Q: What happened? List two things that you observed. _____________________________________


1.     Name the layers of your candy bar, and what the layers of the Earth’s crust they would

2.     What type of plate boundary was formed when you pulled the pieces apart? If that same
action happened to the plates on Earth, what would you expect to see?

3.     What type of plate boundary was formed when you pushed the pieces apart? If that same
action happened to the plates on Earth, what would you expect to see?

4.     What type of plate boundary was formed when you slid the pieces past each other? If that
same action happened to the plates on Earth, what would you expect to see?

5.     What is the force in the Earth that is moving the crustal planes along the surface?

Apply your information and new knowledge to one of the following scenarios. Your choice. 

Scenario 1:
You are crossing the Pacific Ocean in a large boat, and 
approach a group of four small islands in a straight line. 
The island farthest away from you has an erupting volcano. 
The island the closet to you is volcanic but covered in plants, 
insects and animals.  Use plate tectonics to explain:
*1. The island’s existence and current condition
*2. Predict what will happen in the future.

Vocabulary words-use as needed:
Convergent, divergent, transform boundaries, subduction, collisions, density, fault, folding

Scenario 2:
Workers are plowing a field along the Pacific Ocean, when 
suddenly a small amount of lava begins to flow out of a vent in 
the ground.  Slowly the lava flows until a large volcano is 
formed. Use plate tectonics to explain:
*1.   What you are seeing
*2.    Predict what will happen in the future.

Vocabulary words-use as needed:
Convergent, divergent, transform boundaries, subduction, collisions, density, fault, folding

Scenario #3
While hiking a range of mountains in Europe, you came 
across layers of folded rock.  The upper parts of the mountains are undoubtedly layers from Africa. The lower layers are from 
Europe. Use plate tectonics to explain:
*1.   What you are seeing
*2.    Predict what will happen in the future.  

Vocabulary words-use as needed:
Convergent, divergent, transform boundaries, subduction, collisions, density, fault, folding

Scenario #4
While walking along a road in California, you come across an 
old concrete fence. It is perfectly straight for about half a mile, 
then breaks into two parts. The second part starts two feet to 
the left and continues on for another half mile. Use plate 
tectonics to explain:
*1.   What you are seeing
*2.    Predict what will happen in the future.  

Vocabulary words-use as needed:
Convergent, divergent, transform boundaries, subduction, collisions, density, fault, folding
Exit Ticket
How does plate movement contribute to the changing Earth?


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