Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday October 15, 2014

LTLT:  I can identify and analyze data to describe how major geologic events have changed 
organisms over time.

LT: I can explain the geologic timeline of Earth’s history

Criteria for Success:
I can identify major events in Earth’s history
I can create a scaled geologic timeline

Personal Timeline Planning
Mini Lesson
Clapping the Earth
Toilet Paper Timeline
Calculations and Events
Exit Ticket

Warm up:
What do you know about time? How do we organize it? What are different measurements of time?

Review LTLT, LT & C.S.

Personal Timeline Planning
1. Make a list of 7 important events that have occurred in your life, on the planning sheet.


2. Place them in chronological order

3. Create a scaled timeline


Mini Lesson:                         
How do you think your timeline connects to the geologic timeline?
The purpose of a geologic timeline is to give a visual representation of the 
relative time between Earth’s events. We know the Earth is about 4.6 billion years old, 
based on geologic evidence, and during this time some MAJOR events occurred.
Timelines also help us scale time, into manageable chunks, and to organize events, according to 
when they happened. 

Part 1: Clapping the Earth
An easy way to scale time is to represent each year as a second, and it takes about 1 sec. to clap.

*call on a kid, _______, how old are you?
12 years = 12 claps.
Let’s clap out their age.

How old is the Earth??
*4.6 billion years old.
*how long would it take us to clap out Earth’s age??

Hand out Clapping Out History

**higher level kids can do the calculations if they wish

Part 2:  Toilet paper timeline
So we figured out that it would take us a long time to clap out Earth’s history, if we were to visually create a timeline, 
how long would it be?

**Show Alex’s timeline…

Hand out Geologic Timeline worksheet

Let’s use TP. There are 396 sheets per roll. First, we need to do some math…
*where should we place each event?

Part 3: Calculations & Event Placement on TP Timeline
Now you did your calculations, we’re going to

1. Unroll the TP
2.Place each card on the TP timeline, according to how many sheets from Earth’s start or origin


Clapping out Earth’s History

If we SCALE time into 1 year = 1 second then….

If _______________ is ________ years old, then we need to clap for _________________ seconds.

If ______________ is ___________ years old, then we need to clap of _______________ seconds.

If we represent each year of Earth’s History as one second, then 146 years are needed to represent 4.6 billion seconds.

Q: How many seconds are there in one year?
**You can calculate it out yourself if you’d like

*there are 60 seconds/minute
*if 60 second/minute x 60 minutes/hour = 3600 seconds/hour
*3600 seconds/hour x 24 hours/day – 86,400 seconds/day
*86,400 seconds/day x 365.25 days/year
     = 31,557,600   seconds/year or 3.16 x 107 seconds/year

-How long would it take to clap out 4.6 billion years or 4,600,000,000 seconds?
**You can calculate it out yourself if you’d like

*4,600,000,000 seconds/31,600,000 seconds/year
    = 145.6 years!!

LT: I can explain the geologic timeline of Earth’s history

Timeline Planning Page (paste this into your journal)

1.) Make a list of 7 important events from your life:

2.) Now place these special events in chronological order:
(Put the oldest one at the beginning, and the most
recent at the end.)


3.) Use a long piece of paper to place your life events on a timeline. 
Create a scale and use a ruler to make your timeline as accurate as possible. 
Label each event so that we can learn about your life.
Ex:  1 inch = 1 year

*if you finish all this before the rest of the class, feel free to decorate your
timeline with pictures from each event.

LT: I can explain the geologic timeline of Earth’s history
Geologic Timeline Worksheet (Paste into your journal, and do your calculations on this)

We’re going to use this TP roll to represent a timeline, and it contains 396 sheets per roll.
So…….*4,600,000,000 years / 396 sheets per roll = 11,616,162 years per sheet
           or about 12 million years/sheet. So each sheet represents 12 million years!
***This is the number you divide by)

Calculate out how many sheets from the start you will need to count, in order to place
each event….

Oldest Rocks on Earth = 4,000,000,000 years ago
4,000 MY / 12 MY per sheet = ­­­­­­____________ sheets.
•or 396 - ______­­­­ =  sheets from Earth’s origin

First life forms = 3,500,000,000 years ago
3,500 MY / 12 MY per sheet = ___________ sheets
            * or 396 - _______ = sheets from Earth’s origin

Abundant shell life = 542,000,000 years ago
542 MY / 12 MY per sheet = ____________ sheets
            *or 396 - _________ sheets from Earth’s origin

The Great Dying (the PT Mass Extinction) = 245,000,000 years ago
245 MY / 12 MY per sheet = _________ sheets
            *or 396 - _________ sheets from Earth’s origin

Dinosaurs go Extinct (the KT Mass Extinction) = 65,000,000 years ago
65 MY / 12 MY per sheet = ____________ sheets
            *or 396 - ____________ sheets from Earth’s origin

First hominids = 7,000,000 years ago
7 MY / 12 MY per sheet = _________ sheets
            *or 396 - _________ sheets from Earth’s origin

The genus Homo = 2,500,000 years ago
2.5 MY /12 MY per sheet  = ___________ sheets
            *or 396 - _______ sheets from Earth’s origin

LT: I can explain the geologic timeline of Earth’s history
Geologic Timeline Worksheet (Paste into your journal, and do your calculations on this)

We’re going to use this TP roll to represent a timeline, and it contains 396 sheets per roll.
So…….*4,600,000,000 years / 396 sheets per roll = 11,616,162 years per sheet
           or about 12 million years/sheet. So each sheet represents 12 million years!
***This is the number you divide by)

Calculate out how many sheets from the start you will need to count, in order to place
each event….

Oldest Rocks on Earth = 4,000,000,000 years ago
4,000 MY / 12 MY per sheet = ­­­­­­____________ sheets.
•or 396 - ______­­­­ =  sheets from Earth’s origin

First life forms = 3,500,000,000 years ago

Abundant shell life = 542,000,000 years ago

The Great Dying (the PT Mass Extinction) = 245,000,000 years ago

Dinosaurs go Extinct (the KT Mass Extinction) = 65,000,000 years ago

First hominids = 7,000,000 years ago

The genus Homo = 2,500,000 years ago


Mini Lesson:

The purpose of a geologic timeline is to: _____________________________

Relative Age: _____________________________________________
Absolute Age: _____________________________________________

Timelines also help us to: ____________________________________________


Event Cards for Geologic Timeline

Oldest Rocks on Earth = 4,000,000,000 years ago

First life forms = 3,500,000,000 years ago

Abundant shell life = 542,000,000 years ago

The Great Dying (the PT Mass Extinction) = 245,000,000 years ago

Dinosaurs go Extinct (the KT Mass Extinction) = 65,000,000 years ago

First hominids = 7,000,000 years ago

The genus Homo = 2,500,000 years ago


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