Sunday, November 16, 2014

Monday November 17, 2014
Traits, Characteristics & Inheritances

LTLT:  I can develop, communicate, and justify an evidence-based explanation for the evolution of organisms and environments by analyzing and interpreting data from the fossil record.

LT: I can describe why some traits are passed on to the next generation

Criteria for Success:
I can create a shared trait tree with my classmates
I can define inherited and acquired traits.

Warm up
Power Point Notes
Shared Traits Tree
Thinking Questions
Exit Ticket

Warm up:
1. Do you look like or act like your parents?
2. What’s the same about you?
3. What’s different?

LT’s  & CS

This week is focused on survival and reproduction. Our LTLT#3 is about adaptation, and we’re going to talk about how adaptations are related to survival

Hand out POL arrow

Power Point Notes

Thinking Questions

Shared traits Tree

Exit ticket

1.In your own words, describe what traits are.

2.What is an example of an organism, and a trait that is has? 

 Traits Note Taking Guide

LT: I can describe why some traits are passed on to the next generation.

Why was do you think it was hard to find Waldo?




Inherited Trait: A characteristic that an organism can pass on to its offspring

through ________________________________________________.

Examples: _________________________, _____________________________.

Inherited traits are passed on to ___________________________________________________________.

Inherited traits can help organisms ___________________________________________

Acquired trait: A characteristic that an organism gains during __________________________

Example: _______________________________

Acquired traits are ­­­­­­­­___________________________________________________________________________.

Competition and Traits: When organisms compete for resources only those that

survive will pass on _______________________________________

Who will in survive in each environment?





1) In your own words what is the difference between inherited and acquired trait?




2) Do you think it helps or hurts a population when not all the individuals live long enough
to reproduce? Why?







3) Why are some inherited traits passed on to the next generation and others are not?






4) Predict what would happen to populations that lived there if a habitat changed






Name ___________________________________________ Class Period: ______________ Date _________________

LT: I can identify inherited human traits and describe traits in other organisms.

When organisms reproduce, traits are passed from parents to offspring. A trait is simply a characteristic that is inherited from parents through DNA. DNA is like a blueprint for the cells in an organism, instructing them on how to put together materials that make certain traits. This passing of traits from DNA is called heredity.

Directions: As Ms Mac shows you pictures of inherited traits, put a check or an X in the boxes for traits you have inherited from your parents (HINT: These are traits that you have).

Can Roll Tongue
Has Allergies
Attached earlobes
Can See Red and Green
Naturally curly hair
Cleft Chin

1.  COLLABORATE: Are there any other traits you can think of that you inherit from your parents? Write them down below.

2. COLLABORATE: Now, with a partner or individually, you will construct a Shared Trait Tree that shows the traits that you both share. You will need to talk to your pair about the traits you have inherited and then find out about theirs. You can also talk about other traits that we haven’t mentioned that you might share. You will share this with the class

3. INDEPENDENT: Can you think of another organism (plant or animal) in the Rocky Mountain forests that has certain traits that make it successful in surviving here? Write down the animal and the traits that you think make it successful here.

Exit Ticket

Name ______________________________ Class Period _____________ Date: __________________

LT: I can identify inherited human traits and describe traits in other organisms.
Exit Ticket

1.     In your own words, describe what traits are. 

2.     What is an example of an organism and a TRAIT that it has?

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