Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Monday November 3, 2014

Sudan Mini Expedition

LTLT: I can identify how culture, time, place and language influences identity.

LT: I can identify how TIME influences the development of identity

Criteria for Success:
*I can research and choose 7-10 major events in Sudan history
*I can create a scaled timeline of major events in Sudan history

Warm UP
Mini Lesson
Notices & Wonders

Mini Lesson: What is a major event? What is the significance of it?
*It depends on the perspective…
From a government perspective: something that generates significant immediate and long-term economic, social and culture benefits or deficits.
It changes someone or something, in this case, Sudan.

Q: What are some examples of major events that have impacted countries?                             
 *Wars, worker strikes, famines, etc.
Major events can last for days, weeks, month & years.
We will be researching major events that have changed Sudan.

What is a timeline?                      
 It’s a scaled graph, or representation, that allows us to see the space between major events. They also help us to organize events and to scale time. 

Research: (15-20 min)
1. Use a chrome book and your expedition journal, you may need another piece of paper, and research major events that have occurred in Sudanese history.
*Have research packets ready for kiddos also.

2. Create a list of at least 7 major events.

3. Write down the event, when it occurred, and describe the event. 

Timelines: (25-30 min)
Create a scaled timeline and place the events on it in the correct place and order. Remember in our personal timelines, we used 1 year = 1 inch, or 1 year = 2 inches.
*In this case, we need to create a more detailed scale, because we have specific days.
*You may want to consider months within the year.
*So in this case, 1 year may = 12 inches, and each inch may = 1 month.
 - and within these inches, you may include the days.

*If you choose events that span years, you can mark them down on your timeline, and then shade out the years with another color.

**IF time is needed, have them only scale out 4-5 events on their timelines

***Model this out for them.

Some kids can scale their timelines with only years, the other have to due the days within the year.

Notices & Wonders
Walk around the room, and look at other timelines. What do you notice? What do you wonder about? Did other people choose the same events as you?
Why do you think they choose the events that they did? 

Today we looked at time, and how looking at it, helps us create a timeline of things that have occurred in our lives. It also helps us map out the past.

Q: How have these major events influenced and affected the Sudanese people? –In your expedition journals

LTLT Identity Question
Q: How does time influence identity?

Go back to your original definition of identity. In the next available space, write a revised version of your definition.
*This mean, you take away, or add another part to it.

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