Sunday, March 29, 2015

Due Friday April 3: LTLT#5 Final Drafting/Planning Packet

Due Friday April 10: LTLT#5 Final Project

LTLT#5 Final Project: Drafting & Planning Packet

Name: ____________________ Date: _________________ Class Period: ______________

LTLT#5: Reaching Extremes-A Study of Human Body Systems and Homeostasis
No body system works in isolation. Each body system contributes to the homeostasis of the entire human body. Disruptions and extreme situations disrupt the functionality of the entire system. The well being of the person depends upon the well being of ALL the interacting body systems. Students will analyze scenarios and describe how each body system contributes to homeostasis in response to extreme situations.

The Task:
What effect do extreme situations have on the human body?
Culminating Essay Task: After reading informational texts, write a report that analyzes how each body system contributes to homeostasis in response to extreme situations. Use examples, and scenarios, to provide examples that back up, and support your analysis. What conclusion or implications can you draw? A bibliography is required.

Step 1: An EXTREME Scenario:
Write your choosen scenario here. It can be one that you choose from our scenario writing activity, or one that you choose to write yourself. But it has to be EXTREME!!!

Step 2: Write an INTRODUCTION for you report
An introduction tells the reader what your report is going to be about. At least 1 paragraph (8-10 sentences)
Answers the question: What effect do extreme sitatuions have on the human body?

c  FOCUS: Addresses prompt appropriately and maintains a clear, steady focus.
c  CONTENT: Accurately presents disciplinary content relevant to the prompt with sufficient explanations that demonstrate understanding.

Step 3: The BODY SYSTEMS functions
List, map or chart out the functions of EACH body systems. Use your graphic organizers, notebooks, and brains.

1. Respiratory                         3. Circulatory              5. Nervous                  7. Muscular
2. Digestive                4. Excretory                6. Skeletal                  8. Skin

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#1 Respiratory System:
Using what you know about the functions of the respiratory system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM failed or was compromised by an extreme situation?
(Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
HOW would the ALL the respiratory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the respiratory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Respiration to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is respiration important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#2: Digestive System
Using what you know about the functions of the digestive system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM failed or was compromised by an extreme situation?
(Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would ALL the digestive system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would ALL the digestive system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Digestive System to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is digestion important to human homeostasis? (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#3 Circulatory System:
Using what you know about the functions of the respiratory system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the Circulatory System failed or was compromised by an extreme situation?
(Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would the ALL the circulatory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the circulatory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Circulation to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is circulation important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

#4 Excretory System:
Using what you know about the functions of the excretory system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the EXCRETORY failed or was compromised by an extreme situation?
(Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
HOW would the ALL the excretory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the excretory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Excretion to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is excretion important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#5 Nervous System:
Using what you know about the functions of the nervous system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the Nervous System failed or was compromised by an extreme situation? (Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would the ALL the excretory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the excretory system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Excretion to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is excretion important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#6 Sketal System:
Using what you know about the functions of the sketal system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the Skeletal System failed or was compromised by an extreme situation? (Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would the ALL the skeletal system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the skeletal system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of the Skeleton to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is the skeleton important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#7 Muscular System:
Using what you know about the functions of the muscular system, AND your scenario  -what would happen if the Muscular System failed or was compromised by an extreme situation?
(Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would the ALL the muscular system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the muscular system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of Muscles to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why are muscles important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

Body Systems Evidence Collection
#8 Skin System:
Using what you know about the functions of the skin system, AND your scenario - what would happen if the Skin System failed or was compromised by an extreme situation? (Ex: Running from a yeti J )

Topic Sentence: ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

HOW would the ALL the skin system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario:

Why would the ALL the skin system FUNCTIONS be effected by your scenario?

Source: Where did you get your information?
URL of Website, or Author’s Last Name,First name
Title of book, website or newspaper article
Publisher, place of publication
*Not needed a for website
Date of Publication
For a website-the date visited)
Page #, or Article #

Connection of skin to Homeostasis.
So… what? Why is skin important to human homeostasis?  (5-7 Sentences)

What is it? Why is it important? What is thermoregulation? What would happen to our bodies WITHOUT homeostasis? (5-7 Sentences)

How do ALL the body systems work and interact together? Describe how these systems work together to maintain homeostasis, in response to an extreme situation.  (8-10 Sentences)

c  FOCUS: Addresses prompt appropriately and maintains a clear, steady focus.
c  CONTROLLING IDEA: Establishes a controlling idea with a clear purpose maintained throughout the response.
c  READING/ RESEARCH: Presents information from reading materials relevant to the prompt with accuracy and sufficient detail.
c  DEVELOPMENT: Presents appropriate and sufficient details to support the focus and controlling idea.
c  CONVENTIONS: Consistently cites sources using appropriate format.
c  CONTENT: Accurately presents disciplinary content relevant to the prompt with sufficient explanations that demonstrate understanding.

c  Provides a through analysis that addresses ALL 8 body systems
c  Includes at LEAST 1 piece of evidence from each source
c  Multiple pieces of evidence are used appropriately and seamlessly to support your analysis.
c  Written out completely

c  Answers Guding Question
c  8-10 Sentences

Body Evidence
#1: Respiratory System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the respiratory system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the respiratory system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#2: Digestive System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the digestive system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the digestive system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#3: Circulatory System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the circulatory system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the circulatory system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#4: Excretory System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the excretory system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the excretory system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#5: Nervous System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the nervous system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the nervous system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#6: Skeletal System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the skeletal system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the skeletal system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#7: Muscular System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the muscular system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the muscular system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

#8: Skin System
c  Topic Sentence
c  How are the skin system functions effected by extreme situations?
c  Why are the skin system function effected by extreme situations?
c  Source-where did you find/get your information?
c  What is the connection of respiration to homeostasis?

c  What is homeostasis?
c  Why is homeostasis important?
c  What is thermoregulation?

c  How do ALL the body systems work together to maintain homeostasis, in response to extreme situations?
c  8-10 sentences

LTLT#5: Reaching Extremes-A Study of Human Body Systems and Homeostasis

Long Term Learning Target #5 I can gather, interpret, and analyze data from extreme sitations, to determine the effects on specialized cells, tissues, organs and human body systems.

No body system works in isolation. Each body system contributes to the homeostasis of the entire human body. Disruptions and extreme situations disrupt the functionality of the entire system. The well being of the person depends upon the well being of ALL the interacting body systems. Students will analyze scenarios and describe how each body system contributes to homeostasis in response to extreme situations.

What effect do extreme situations have on the human body?
Culminating Essay Task: After reading informational texts, write a report that analyzes how each body system contributes to homeostasis in response to extreme situations. Use examples, and scenarios, to provide examples that back up, and support your analysis. What conclusion or implications can you draw? A bibliography is required.

Paragraph #1: Scenario-Write out the ENTIRE SCENARIO. 

Paragraph #2: Introduction

            -----Body Systems Evidence------

Paragraph #3: Respiratory System

Paragraph #4: Digestive System

Paragraph #5: Circulatory System

Paragraph #6: Excretory System

Paragraph #7: Nervous System

Paragraph #8: Skeletal System

Paragaph #9: Muscular System

Paragarph #10: Skin System

Paragraph #11: Homeostasis

Paragraph #12: Conclusions-Systems Interactions

Bibliography:  MLA format, must include list of sources from body evidence section  

Rubric for Body Systems Final Project

c  Scenario: Addresses prompt appropriately and maintains a clear, steady focus
c  Introduction: Establishes a controlling idea with a clear purpose maintained throughout the response.
c  Body Systems Evidence: Presents information from reading materials relevant to the prompt with accuracy and sufficient detail.
o   DEVELOPMENT: Presents appropriate and sufficient details to support the focus and controlling idea.
o   DEVELOPMENT Explains relevant and plausible implications or consequences
c  ORGANIZATION: Maintains an appropriate organizational structure to address the specific requirements of the prompt.
c  CONVENTIONS: Demonstrates a command of standard English conventions and cohesion, with few errors.
c  CONVENTIONS: Response includes language and tone appropriate to the audience, purpose, and specific requirements of the prompt.
c  CONVENTIONS: Cites sources using an appropriate format with only minor errors.
c  CONTENT: Accurately presents disciplinary content relevant to the prompt with sufficient explanations that demonstrate understanding.

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