Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Monday March 16, 2015

LT: I can describe the functions of the muscular system

Voluntary Muscles:


Involuntary Muscles:


1. What happens to muscles if you use them too much? (Overuse them?)

2. What happens to muscles if you don’t use them?

3. What are the 3 main functions of muscles?

4. How does this related to our guiding question for the unit?
Q: What effect do extreme situations have on the human body?


String Observations
1.     What did you notice when you raised the wooden stick with the
dangling string for the first time?

2. What did you notice after you held the stick tighter, for the second time?

3. How do you think this activity relate to our Learning Target of muscle functions?

Muscle Activity:

Stick and String Observation Instructions

1.  Hold the wooden stick in front of you, parallel to the table.
2.  Place a string on the wooden stick.
**(HINT: Tie the string to the stick)
3.  Raise the wooden stick until the end of the string just barely touches the table.
4.  Hold it steady like this for 30 seconds and observe what happens to the string. Record
5.  Grip the wooden stick tighter and repeat step 4.
6.  In your science journal write down your observations about what happened.
7.  EXTRA: Tie the string between two sticks, and see what happens.

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