Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wednesday March 25, 2015

LT: I can describe how my body breaks down food

Functions of the Digestive System
1)   Breaks down food
Food is broken down into molecules the body can ___________________________________

2)   Molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream
Molecules are carried _________________________________

3)   Waste is eliminated from the body
This is importance to keep the body ______________________________________________.

Two Kinds of Digestion
1.    Mechanical digestion:
The ­­­­­­___________________________break down of food into ________________________________

2.     Chemical digestion:
The __________________________break down of food into _________________________________
The Digestive Process

The Start!
1.The Mouth
            Food is broken down into _________________________________


2. The Esophagus
A muscular tube that connects the ______________________________.

3. The Stomach
Food is broken down with both __________________________________


4. Small Intestine
Is in charge of almost all the digestive chemicals and __________


5. Large Intestine
Water is absorbed into the ______________________ and the rest of

the material is __________________________.  

6. Liver
Produces the _____________ that is used to break down ____________

LT: I can describe how my body breaks down food

Answer these questions, and PASTE them into your science journals.

1)What do you think would happen if we did not have mouths and food when directly to the
stomach without being chewed first? 




2) Why do you think we need a large and small intestine?




3) What kind of muscles do you think are in the esophagus? Why?




4) How does the digestive system interact with the circulatory system?




5) How does the digestive system interact with the muscular system?




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