Thursday, March 5, 2015

Friday March 6, 2015

Learning Target: I can explore ways in which the human body self-regulates to maintain homeostasis

Names: ___________________, ___________________                              Date: _________________                         Class: ___________________
Description: odyHow does climbing at high altitudes affect the body's homeostasis?

1. With a partner, explore the Body Breakdowns Web activity.
3. Answer the following questions:

Part I: Choose one part of the body from the diagram.
1) Why does climbing at high altitudes sometimes result in problems?

2) What are some symptoms that occur from climbing at high altitudes?  

3) What specific actions could help these problems and symptoms?  

Part II: Consider what you know about how the human body regulates itself. What do you think might be happening in a body that results in (choose an example of symptoms from one part of the body, e.g., the stomach symptoms are intense cramps with diarrhea)?
1. Choose a body system:

2. What are some problems or symptoms that could occur with your choose body system?
3. What do you think is causing those symptoms?
Part III: What do you think are the two or three most significant challenges the human body faces at very high altitude? Give reasons for choosing these.
First Challenge:

Second Challenge:

Third Challenge:  

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