Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday September 27, 2014

LTLT: I can identify properties of substances in a mixture that can be used to separate those substances from each other

LT: I can evaluate peer lab procedures in order to help them improve their work
LT: I can use constructive feedback in order to improve my own work.

Criteria for Success:
*I can peer review two other pieces of work
*I can meet with a partner to compare and contrast work.  

Warm Up
Self Evaluation
Peer Evaluation
Partner Comparison                                                                                                         
Homework:  finalize your bubble methods and written lab procedures for Monday.

Warm UP:
What are some things that lab procedures should include?

Review LTLT, LT & CS
Q: Read the LT. What criteria do you think we need to accomplish in order to accomplish this?

Q: What is the point of a procedure?
Self Evaluation:
There are 2 parts to your lab procedures.
1.     Bubble Method
2.     Written lab procedure
Q: How’d you do making your Bubble Method Diagram and writing your lab procedure?

Q: Where are you in this process? Give yourself a number. For BOTH things.

***Show a chart on the screen:

*Show in Journal:                           

Bubble Method # ________         Written Lab Procedure # _____

1-I haven’t started                     
5-I’ve done some work on it, and am about half way through      
10- I’m 99.9% done 

Peer Evaluation
*Use form

Meet with at least 2 other people, and give them constructive feedback. Use the feedback form

Partner Comparison
*Use form

Meet with 1 other person to compare, contrast and focus your thoughts.

Compare: List the similarities in the way you and your partner approached your bubble method AND your written lab procedure

Contrast: List the differences in the ways you and your partner approached your bubble method AND your written lab procedure.

Focus: List some things that you have learned and will add to your bubble method and written procedure. 
What does it mean to evaluate?
How was today?  

Exit Ticket                                     
 Look at your feedback form,…                                         
Q: What are you going to do next? List 2-3 next actions or steps.

Homework: finalize your bubble methods and your written lab procedures for Monday. 


LT: I can evaluate peer lab mixture procedures in order to help them improve their work
LT: I can use constructive feedback in order to improve my own work

Peer Feedback – Bubble Methods & Lab Procedures

Name of person you are giving feedback to:______________________________

Today we will share our Bubble Method Diagrams, and our written lab procedures, to evaluate and assess where we are at in the process. You will be asked to evaluate 2 other lab procedures and your own work. You will give feedback and receive feedback in return to improve upon your own work. Remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. That’s the way we learn!  Please remember to have a growth mindset!!!!

Step 1. Look at and read a peer’s Bubble Diagram, look for each criterion for success. Put a check in the box next to each item if you see it there.

Criteria for Success: Bubble Method Diagram

c  All eight ingredients are listed in the top bubble
c  There are arrows or lines connecting each step
c  Bubble method includes a separation technique for each ingredient.
c  One ingredient is separated from the other ingredients at each step
c  As it is separated, each ingredient has a specific separation technique.
c  All ingredients are separated by the end of the diagram.
c  Writing is neat and legible (Able to be read)
c  The Bubble Diagram is easily understood (there is an organized flow to it)

Step 2. Read through the written lab procedures for each criterion for success. Put a check next to each item if you see it there.

Criteria For Success: Written Lab Procedure

c  It has instructions and guidelines on how to complete the lab
c  Instructions are given step by step
c  It is organized and neat.
c  It includes numbers or bullet points
c  It includes a picture or multiple pictures (diagrams)
c  It is detailed and specific
c  It lists out the materials that will be used
c  It discusses appropriate separation techniques
c  Another student could easily follow the procedure.

Step 3. Note anything that is left out or sounds confusing to you.

Step 4. Offer 2 steps (some things they can improve)

Step 5. Offer 2 stars (some things they did awesome!)

Step 6: Give this evaluation form to the student you are evaluating. They will staple it to their work.

Share, Compare, Contrast & Focus Notecatcher

Compare: List the similarities in the way you and your partner approached your bubble method AND your written lab procedure

Contrast: List the differences in the ways you and your partner approached your bubble method AND your written lab procedure.

Focus: List some things that you have learned and will add to your bubble method and written procedure.

Instructions: With one other person, compare, contrast and focus on your Bubble Method Diagrams, and your written lab procedure papers. Fill out the boxes, and turn into the IN box when done.

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